There is a legend that says if you create 1,000 paper cranes, you are granted a wish. Brides and grooms have taken this legend and combined it with their wedding celebrations, as a symbol of their greatest wish – happiness together. Here is how to make paper cranes for your wedding!

DIY Origami Crane
Folding the Origami Crane
You’ll want to purchase origami paper in your wedding colors. There are literally thousands of colors and patterns available, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find a color or pattern that will work. Next you’ll want to learn how to actually fold the cranes.
Here are the directions for folding a paper crane:
Stringing The Origami Crane
Once you’ve folded all the cranes (this will take a while), you can string them to hang. You can use fishing line as it’s clear and won’t show up well. Use a needle and poke it through the crane. There’s a hole in the bottom of the crane that you can poke the needle through, and then it will come up out of the back of the crane. Thread the fishing line through, after you’ve tied a knot in the bottom of the fishing line. When the crane is on the string, tie another knot a few inches above that crane and thread another through. You can put as many as you want on the string for hanging.
There you go – you have a beautiful décor element for your wedding, plus, you get your wish!
This is such a great idea, loving all the colours. Would love to feature this on my blog(with full credit to your blog of course!)
That would be great! 🙂
Question: What did you use for the ring hold the cranes — needlework hoop or something else? And, what size (diameter) is it? I’m making one for a room at our church. Love it!!!