The last thing you want at your wedding ceremony or reception is drama. There are a few tips you can use to make sure things go smoothly and that the chances for drama have been significantly minimized.
Seating Charts
Sit “like” groups of friends and family members together. For instance, if you have a few college friends coming, sit those friends and their dates together. Sit your co-workers together, and sit “like” family members together. For instance, the grandmothers can sit together while the parents of the bride and groom can sit together. This ensures that the guests at each table have something in common and won’t feel out of place.

Choose Your Battles
Whether you’re battling with a mother-in-law who is contributing to the wedding or a bridesmaid who hates a dress style, choose your battles. Ask yourself if it’s really that important to you and if it’s not, concede. However, don’t allow yourself to be walked over. If you really want something or you really don’t want to give in to an argument, stand your ground. Just make sure it’s something really worth fighting for.

Voice Your Opinion
Don’t hold your thoughts in until you explode like a tragic bridezilla. If you can’t stand the thoughts of your wedding being held in a barn but your mother-in-law already booked it because she loved the idea, reject it. Politely but firmly let her know that this is your wedding and your venue preference is very different from hers.

Don’t Leave Close Friends or Family Members Out
You might think you’re avoiding drama by leaving a specific person out of the wedding because they don’t mesh well with someone else in the wedding. You’re not avoiding drama; you’re making it worse. Invite those who are important for you to invite, whether all the guests get along or not.

By using these tips, you can make your wedding as drama-free as possible!
Love these seating chart ideas.
Stunning pictures. Romantic wedding.
Really good advice.Choose your battles, for sure!
Great pictures used in the pictures too!