Custom Jewelry Is Easier and Less Expensive than You Think

by Niki in , — Updated August 26, 2023

Are you in the market for wedding or engagement rings? Have you considered custom rings? No, seriously, custom rings are a lot easier to get and much less expensive than you think. Custom rings are also a great way to show the uniqueness of your love. The difference between a custom ring and a ready-made ring is like the difference between writing the person you love a deeply personal letter and sending them a greeting card. The first option is a much better expression of your personal feelings, and it showcases how special your relationship is.

Get a Custom-Made Ring for Something as Unique as Your Love

There’s no other love like your love, so why should you have the same ring that hundreds of others are wearing? Every piece of custom jewelry is one of a kind. Don’t you deserve something as special as your love is? When you custom-design a ring, you have complete control. You choose the ring’s style, the diamond’s size, the detail work, everything. You can get the ring you always dreamed of, working directly with the jeweler to make sure it turns out just right. When you buy ready-made, you’re limited to the styles the manufacturer chose. Finding the style of ring you want in the stock jewelry store rings can be difficult, if not impossible. When you get a custom-made ring, there’s no limit to the styles you can choose from.

Use Convenient Online Tools to Design Your Dream Ring

The internet has made custom jewelry design a lot easier and more convenient. You no longer need to make an appointment to speak to a jeweler in person. Instead, you can put together the perfect custom-designed piece wherever you are located with convenient online consultations with design experts.

A professional retailer of quality diamond rings like Frank Darling, for example, makes it easy to do the design process online. If you go to the company’s website, you can take their free Dream Ring Quiz, a fast, fun way to get the design process going. The quiz is designed to build up a detailed picture of what you want your ring to look like, and you’ll get a free sketch of it from the company’s award winning jewelry design team. You can get a good idea of what your ring will actually look like, and see if you need to make any changes.

Choose Your Own Diamond

If you don’t need to get so involved in the design of the band and setting, you can use Frank Darling’s diamond search feature to find the ideal diamond and then choose a design from the extensive engagement ring collection to have made around it. You can use the search feature filter to get very specific about details of your diamond, like grading lab and length to width ratio.

Try It Before You Buy It

You don’t have to worry about the ring you design not looking as good on your finger as it does online, either. Frank Darling’s Try at Home program lets you try your ring on to see how it looks before you buy it.

Custom Rings Can Be More Sustainable

Surprising as it may be, custom rings are often more sustainable than pre-made rings. Frank Darling works with suppliers and manufacturing techniques that use recycled metals and lab-grown diamonds. You can choose a level of sustainability that you are comfortable with when you buy from a high quality custom jeweler.

Custom Rings Are not as Expensive as You May Think

A custom-made ring sounds like something only the well-off can afford. However, the price of a custom ring is actually comparable to traditional pre-made rings. You should be able to get a good custom design no matter what your budget is.

Choose a Custom Ring

When you get a ring custom-made to your specifications, you get personal attention from a professional jewelry designer, professional craftsmanship, and a truly unique ring. A ring that is something you can build an emotional connection with. Look into getting a custom ring made. It will be well worth your while.

** Thanks Frank Darling for sponsoring by blog **

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