Designer Watches for Women

by Car in , — Updated November 17, 2019

The watch landscape has been for a long time dominated by men. However, watch manufacturers have now also discovered a new market segment in women. As a result, there is an increasing number of women focused watches and manufacturers.

Now, women’s watches are a must have accessory for women. For women, a watch is not only for keeping time, but also to accentuate their style. For women, buying a watch has lots of factors to consider and here are some.

New phenomenon of women designer watches

There are lots of designer watches for women in the market. Women are therefore spoiled for choice as to which designer watch to wear or buy. Designer watches for women are feminine and appealing. They have as much beauty as they accentuate in their wearer. Women’s designer watches are high quality watches suitable for all women and to be worn at any time or occasion.


Designer watches for women are available in different styles. This provides a variety of watches that a stylish woman can choose from. There are watches in different styles to suit different occasions and moods.

There are jewelry watches that are mostly non-functional as watches but are mostly used as jewelry and beauty accessories to make fashion statements. There are also plain watches that are suitable for the busy woman.


Designer watches for women are also available in numerous shapes. Most women prefer their watches round. Women’s watch designers are also designing watches in different shapes such as square that has been mostly the preserve of men’s watches.

Colored watches

Women’s watch designers in an effort to encourage more women to wear watches produce them in many colors that are appealing to women. Women emphasize color most especially in their dressing. With numerous colored watches, women can match their clothes with their designer watches or wear different colors to accessorize.

Sets of watch bands

Women designer watches often come with sets of easy to change bands. Leather and stainless-steel band watches have been a preserve of the men’s market. However, watch designers have made beautifully designed feminine leather and stainless-steel watch bands.

Often, women have the ability to change the bands on their watches to match their clothes and make up. There are even designer watch bands that resemble bracelets. With these, watches can be easily replaced with bracelets.


Designer watches for women are often made from different materials. These watches allow women to choose one that suits their personalities. Women designer watches are available in ceramic molds, stainless steel or even platinum and gold watches.

Like jewelry, gold watches are a favorite of many women. Stainless steel and platinum are seen as masculine but these kinds of watches are created in a feminine design to appeal to the women who prefer them over the other materials.

Bejeweled watches

To appeal to the women’s market, the mainstay watch makers also built bejeweled watches. These are watches that are designed femininely and crusted with different types of jewelry to appeal to more women.


Often, women’s designer watches are quite pricey. However, since they are made to look like accessories, women will buy beautiful watches.

Numerous designers

Women’s watch designers abound in plenty. The classic traditional watchmakers have feminine watches in their well-known brand names. This helps ease their market entry by relying on their already popular brands.

Also, there are numerous designers of women’s watches entering the watch market. They come up with unique designs to ease their marketing and to grow their popularity quickly.

Some women’s watch designers offer expensive watches while others offer highly affordable watches with much value for money due to their design and functionality.


Designer watches for women are a market niche that targets women who seek beauty, functionality and technology advancements. Designer watches are highly valued accessories that can be easily worn to the office or for casual occasions.

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