Do It Yourself Project: Nefarious Activities Mustaches

by Niki in — Updated February 11, 2020

As I’ve alluded to previously on Twitter, Kristen from Paper Crave and I are collaborating on a top secret project together that we’re both incredibly excited about. We’ve been making a lot of progress, and each time I’ve tweeted about our progress I’ve mentioned that if I had a mustache, I’d be twisting it, making Kristen reply that I’ve officially made our activities nefarious. Well, in recognition of a weekend in which we made a lot of progress, I’ve made a quick little project for you that I’m dedicating to Kristen.


What You’ll Need

Mustache Template PDF (available here)
8″ or 11.75″ Lollipop Sticks (like these from Wilton)
Cover Weight Black Paper
Double Stick Tape

Print out a few sheets of our template PDF on standard white printer paper. Use the shapes as a template by cutting them out while a sheet of black paper is backing it so that the shape cuts out of both at the same time. To conserve paper, rotate the cut templates to fit uncut area of the black paper to get additional mustaches out of the sheet. Cut as many as needed.

Cut strips of the black paper stock to measure ½” by 1½”. Lay a strip of double stick tape about half the length of the strips centered on the back of the mustache shape. Place the lollipop stick centered on the strip of tape, pressing down slightly to hold in place. Line one side of the strips you cut earlier with double stick tape so it completely covers it. Lay the strip down, centered vertically and horizontally over the lollipop stick and the mustache shape so the strip acts to keep the lollipop stick secured in place. Press firmly in place, and enjoy!

17 thoughts on “Do It Yourself Project: Nefarious Activities Mustaches”

  1. Aw, where were you when I needed you this weekend! I totally threw my nephew a “Stache Party” this weekend, and this template would have come in handy! Here’s a Sneak Peak!
    Here’s what I did and it was super easy: You can use your template and instead of black paper, trace them onto brown felt paper (the stiff kind that is a $1 at Michaels) and cut them out. Then I used flat wooden sticks that were also 1.99 for 72 at Michaels and hot glued the sticks to the felt mustaches. Easy and super durable! Thanks for a new template!

  2. Sweet, now I’ll have multiple mustaches to twist! MWAHAHAHA!

    Seriously, M, I’m so proud of what we’ve been accomplishing. Can’t wait until we can share our nefarious plans with everyone!

    • K – we have totally been rocking it! After I stopped emailing you last night is when I was like, man, I really DO need a mustache. I was on cloud 9 when I saw everything that was finished, so I whipped these up. Now to actually actually photograph the one I made…

  3. oh thank you. So funny and not only meant for weeding!

  4. Fantastic foolery about to begin! Thank you for the inspriration & best of luck with your top secret project. 🙂

    • Thanks so much, Julianne!

  5. WAY cute! Thanks so much, I’ll be linking.

  6. thanks for the post! will be blogging about this soon…

  7. Nice- thanks for the template. It never gets old to pretend you have a stache, lol.

  8. I never made the time to say THANK YOU! Used your fab stache idea, and ALL our guests at our wedding had a blast!! From the young to the very old! Thanks dear!!!

    • Absolutely! Love to hear when our stuff gets used 🙂

  9. thanks for sharing this..i really love it!! <3

  10. wow i love it…..


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