This is an absolutely romantic and fun idea for the wedding shower. It’s called the “can of dates” and it’s a perfect way for the shower guests to help ensure that the couples’ marriage stays fun and exciting. Here’s what you’ll do:

Making the Can
Buy or create a beautifully decorated can so shower guests can put their ideas inside. You can use colored paper or other embellishments to make it perfect. There should be a lid that can be placed on top as well.
Note Cards
Buy small note cards for each guest at the shower, or cut small, decorative pieces of paper for them to write on. Print an instructions card and place it by the can. It can say something like:
“Help make sure the happy couple has fantastic dates and never a dull moment. Add your perfect date idea to a note card and fold it up. Tuck it inside the can for the couple to open throughout the first year of their marriage.”

How it Works
The guests will each write an idea down on a piece of paper and then fold it up, placing it inside the can. It could be a romantic dinner and a movie or a long walk down a stretch of beach. Whatever it is, when the couple opens one, they must have the date that is on the paper.

This idea is so much fun and the bride and groom will thoroughly enjoy acting out each date that they read off the papers. This is especially true for those shower guests who have a sense of humor!
I love this idea. I’m pretty sure there will be “naughty” suggestions there.
What a cute idea!