Although we all hope and dream for a flawless wedding, the reality is that things can and will go wrong at some point on your big day. The best thing to do is to prepare for the worst and try your best to be flexible so you can enjoy the day, even if things aren’t perfect. Here are 5 things that could go wrong on your wedding day and some tips for how to be prepared.
1. Someone is Late

Even if you have meticulously communicated the timeline of events and have made it clear that punctuality is important, someone is going to be late. If there are certain people in the wedding party who you know are prone to tardiness, talk to them beforehand and ask them to come even earlier than the announced timeline. Plan on having some wiggle room in your wedding schedule to accommodate latecomers, whether that be those in the wedding party, vendors, or guests, and do your best to let it roll off your shoulders when someone doesn’t show up on time.
2. Inclement Weather

If you are planning an outdoor wedding, you MUST be prepared for all types of weather. Thankfully, you should have a pretty good idea of what the weather will be like a week or so before the big day. Make sure you give your guests what they need to remain comfortable. If it looks like it will be rainy, provide your guests with umbrellas. If the temperatures are dropping, make warm blankets available.
3. Noisy Children

Unless you have planned an adult only wedding, you will probably have kids sitting through your ceremony and they will make noise. Cut back on the disruptions by providing ways for kids to entertain themselves during the ceremony, like an activity book.
4. The Bride or Groom Get Sick

Hopefully, you will both be in tip-top shape for the most important day of your lives, but there is a possibility that one or both of you could be under the weather. Have an emergency kit ready with aspirin, cold medicine, and other medicine cabinet items that would be helpful to have on hand. It is also important that you stay rested, fed, and relaxed the last few days before your wedding to avoid putting extra stress on your body.
5. Something Happens to One of the Rings

Your perfectly planned, perfectly run ceremony takes a turn when the officiant asks for the rings and the groom/best man/ring bearer feels around frantically in his pocket only to pull out empty air. Although this is mostly an event that happens only in a bride’s worst nightmares, losing or damaging a ring can and has happened. Make sure you pick someone who is responsible and careful to hold the rings until the appropriate time in the ceremony. If you are worried about the rings you have invested in and want to find some peace of mind, it may be a good idea to look into jewelry insurance. Jewelers Mutual insurance and Lavalier insurance for jewelry are both trustworthy options for this.
Can you think of something else that can go wrong? Or maybe you have an idea or two on how you prepared for your own wedding? Please share in the comment section below.