You might want to follow along with this fun tradition, whether you’re truly superstitious or you simply love the idea of doing what countless brides over the years have done. But, what will you use? Here are some suggestions for your old, new, borrowed and blue items!

Something Old
Most brides will wear something from their family for the “something old,” such as heirloom jewelry or a vintage clutch. Your grandmother’s diamonds or your mother’s wedding dress are perfect examples of items that can be used here.

Something New
Many brides utilize their wedding dress for their “something new,” since a great majority of brides will purchase their dress new. However, there are some other options as well. Your shoes or a beautiful piece of jewelry will function as something new for your wedding day.
Speaking of shoes, don’t forget to break in your wedding shoes before the big day..

Something Borrowed
Choose a beloved friend or family member and borrow an item to wear on your wedding day. It could be something like your best friend’s earrings, a great aunt’s tennis bracelet, or something similar. If it’s meaningful to you, that’s even better.

Something Blue
So many different things can work for this one. Paint your toenails a shade of blue, wear blue underwear, or wear a piece of sapphire jewelry for the ceremony.

While it can be difficult to determine how to pull this tradition off, the above ideas will help serve as inspiration for brides. If you want to take it a step farther, complete the whole verse and wear a silver sixpence in your shoe.