Wedding 101: Emergency Kit

by Niki in , , — Updated February 1, 2020

One of the most important roles of your bridesmaids is to make sure that you are looking perfect on your wedding day.  There are so many things that can go wrong on your big day, so it’s best to be prepared for anything (I have the pack rat mentality).  I was so thankful for the snacks and bottled water that my bridesmaids packed for me since our wedding day is so long and you never know when you get a chance to eat so it is very handy to have this with you.  Then it was the dental floss that I would never leave home without, I always manage to get food stuck in my teeth!  I think I also finished the breath mints that we had which means I did a lot of kissing that night!  This emergency kit list I found on Swatchbook Weddings is a good starting point, but there are a few more items that I would include:

Comb – to make sure every strand is in place
Makeup – for touch ups
Blotting Paper – to reduce the shine
Earring Backs – just a few extras to make sure they stay on
Lip Balm – to make sure your lips are moist throughout the day
Dental Floss – to get the food stuck between your teeth
Nail File – to smooth out your nails
Tampons / Panty Liners – just in case
Lighter / Matches – a backup to light candles
Hand Sanitizer / Wipes – this is more convenient instead of going to the bathroom
Scissors – to cut that loose thread
White Chalk – a quick way to hide a stain on your wedding dress
Double-sided Tape – to hold up that dress

All these items should be able to fit in a purse that your bridesmaid can have with them all day.

wedding day kit

Image from Swatchbook Weddings


2 thoughts on “Wedding 101: Emergency Kit”

  1. I say snacks and bottle of water are the 2 most important things.. If tummy is not happy, bride wont be happy as well 🙂

  2. having a snack is super important but I still think the safety pin is the most important. I can’t count how many times I’ve had a bride/bridesmaid/mother of the bride, etc ask me if I have one.


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