Welcome Home (Soon).

by Niki in β€” Updated November 21, 2019

I have some of the most exciting news I’ve been able to share in a while – my husband and I have bought our first home! It’s an adorable mid-century in St. Paul, Minnesota. It was in Better Homes & Gardens in 1959 and the original owners built it themselves by hand in 1952 (it blows my mind!). I can not wait to get my hands on this property – we have a long list of things we want to do to make it more contemporary and “us” without spoiling the existing retro character of the house (the primary reason we bought it). Can you smell a spin off blog on the horizon? I can!

We close on the 30th. In the meantime, we’re packing frantically and trying to get someone to take over our lease (if you’re in the Twin Cities and interested, our posting is here). Posting may be a little sporadic as a result, and expect me to be a little behind on emails. I’ll also be updating the vendor directory after the move, so if you’re waiting to be approved or are planning to apply, please note I won’t be reviewing portfolios until after that time.

In the meantime, I wanted to leave you with the links to some blossoming blogs – you may have already heard of them, but if you haven’t they’re definitely ones to watch. In no particular order:

Head vs. Heart
Dog N Bird Artful Wedding
The Knotty Bride

22 thoughts on “Welcome Home (Soon).”

  1. LOVE your new home! You must be SOOOOO excited. πŸ™‚ Thank you so much for including me in your list; what an honor!

  2. Wow, your house looks fantastic – lucky you! Have fun putting your mark on it. πŸ™‚

  3. Looks great, congrats! Also check out my blog πŸ™‚ blog.afteryesweddings.com

  4. What a gorgeous home-congratulations! You’re lucky to be living in such an incredible piece of history!

  5. How exciting! Your house has such character and great lines. What a fun space to make yours. Can’t wait to follow along! Also wanted to say thank you so much for the link, it made my day!

  6. Totally cool house! Congratulations πŸ™‚

  7. Thanks so much guys! You are all so sweet.

  8. Thanks for the shout out Maddy! I already new I liked you, THEN I see that you live in Minnesota, which puts you over the top! I spent my first 6 working years there at Target and Cassandra, my biz partner, grew up there! Congrats on the awesome house…next up, a lakehouse ‘up north’!

  9. Congratulations! First home ownership is truly something special! And boy, did you get a wonderful first home! Can’t wait to see pics of the inside! Retro is sooooo cool!

  10. WOOHOO! Totally rad. Congrats Maddy! Meg πŸ™‚

  11. Congrats! Oh, I would love to see your home blog πŸ™‚ And get my hands on my own mid-century home. Good luck with everything! -Kami

  12. Love! It reminds me of a home right outta Sunset mag! Congrats!

  13. Oh my word… I cant believe we will practically be neighbors! (well, 45 min. from each other neighbors, but ya know!)

    Be sure to let me know if you have a housewarming… I make a mean cookie. πŸ˜‰

    (kidding, I totally dont normally invite myself to total strangers homes… well, not on Sundays anyway)


  14. Congrats! How exciting. I just love the house; it’s got great style. Hope to see some interior pics, too!

  15. Congrats Maddy!! That is SO exciting, and the house looks awesome! I can’t wait for the spinoff blog.

    And thanks so much for the link!

  16. Congrats Maddy!! Your home looks beautiful and once you get to decorate and make it your own you will love it!! Have a great long weekend!


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